Menu for children
A dream has finally come true!
A big thanks to all of you who have contributed with donations and help, both large and small. Without you, the big dream would not have been possible to fulfill.

In 1999 the group had grown to 15 children and they had to look for new and larger buildings. The results are what houses the kids now. It was at this time Khun Piangta took over as General Manager and the name became 'Baan Jing Jai'. From 1999 to 2010, the amount of children has grown from 15 to 66 children and adolescents. The buildings are the same, consisting of two common houses located opposite each other in a small street. They have a play space on an unused lot next to the houses. These are just some of the stories of support we've had through those years.
In 2003 a man named Hansi wanted information on the children's home and offer his support. Hansi called the orphanage and asked if it was possible to come and visit. It was a very positive visit and has since introduced many people to the home who have helped and donated to the cause. Hansi was invited to celebrate Christmas together with them on December 26th. There was a fantastic selection of food that you would only find in Thailand. After dining then there was time for a relax and entertainment as the children of Baan Jing Jai put on a great Cabaret Show. A truely unforgettable evening.
Another act of kindness came in the form of a man known as Torleif. Torleif was getting married but instead of his guests bringing him presents, he asked them for monetary gifts so that they could donate to the Baan Jing Jai Children's Home.He already had everything he needed at home so it was great that the home was able to benefit from his generosity. Torleif signed the donations book and presented the money. We think it was a great deed Torleif did, and we hope there are more that follow his lead. Thanks Torleif. It was a nice sum that he gave to Khun Piangta.
Daniel and Terje came on behalf of a class from Norway to hand over the money they had collected and
it was a humble Khun Piangta who received the donation. Afterwards there was relaxation, along with others who were involved in the fine trip to the orphanage. Afterwards they were invited to dinner & the food was served sitting on mats on the floor. Food tastes so much better when not eating alone..!
Arild had collected money from his family and from work in Stavanger and would donate to the orphanage.
This was the first time Arild had donated to the orphanage, since when he has arranged many collections before he comes to Pattaya. The funds were well received when Arild and KAG visited Baan Jing Jai. He had managed to collect 31,000 Baht. They visited in time for dinner, which was served outside in the garden and everyone sat on Thai mats and ate together.
With gifts for the kids on Christmas morning, Jansila and Vennnne had previously got the entire staff at the Seamen's Church on wrapping duties. Christmas morning began when Santa Claus came to the Baan Jing Jai to hand out the gifts. Well, not the real Santa Claus but as good as!
Marit and Rolf Kristensen also made sure that gifts came their way. Each of the 52 kids from round 1 to 18 years old received their package. There were dolls, soft toys and radio controlled cars, while the adolescents were gifts that matched their age group. It was like Christmas in Norway for the children and also the longest day of the year, waiting to open the presents. Marit and Rolf had wanted to see some orphanagse in Pattaya, before they went home and it was Hansi who was driving, and the first orphanage they visited was the Baan Jing Jai. They had collected money in Stavanger to give to the orphanage.
KAG and Arild returned with donation
As usual, Arild had collected some money from the family and from work before they went down to Thailand. It's impressive work Arild has done to raise money. This was the second time he and his wife handed over a donation. Mother and Aunt to Arild also had brought many bags of toys from Norway, the favourites being plastic beads that you can make into shapes.
Singing Christmas Carols in the Seamen's Church
The children and youth from the Baan Jing Jai for the first time sang Christmas Carols at the Seamen's Church. It was a beatiful evening with the choir which led to some good donations to the orphanage.
On the evening of 17th December it was again time for a Christmas ing with the children of Baan Jing Jai. The garden was filled with anxious people. It cost 300 Baht for the entertainment and food. Of that 300 Baht, 200 baht was donated to the Children's Home.
This was the second Christmas in a row Hansi had invited the children to sing at Christmas. We hope this will become a tradition for the kids as it makes a really nice atmosphere for Christmas time.
On the King's Birthday, Hansi once again went on a visit to the orphanage, this time it was with Arne Teigen. Arne had mentioned to Hansi on a previous occasion that he would like to see the children's home and of course, the children.
It was a great visit, where he got the full tour and a dance performance by the young people.
Thank you Randaberg!
Saturday 10 October, a very successful friends-friends party was held at Randaberg Clubhouse, which had as main objective to raise money for an orphanage in Pattaya called Ban Jing Jai. Proceeds from the festival was as much as 93 241.00 NOK., That was brought back to the orphanage from Norway. And there was also more to come, when there were few private individuals who also donated great sums to the orphanage, so that the total amount was as much as 106,241,- NOK Enough., Plus some Thai baht equivalent of about 2500 - Enough. The Thai baht is over 600,000, - Baht.
Back to Pattaya again and with such a large sum from Randfontein transferred to our local account here, it was a very special afternoon at the Seamen's Church in Pattaya on October 31. Then all the 66 children and staff at the orphanage was invited to the Seamen's Church, where the gift of the Randaberg was presented.
On Christmas Eve, Christmas dinner was served at the Seamen's Church as a surprise. There were many children from the orphanage. The Christmas choir once again sang several Christmas songs.
For those who had chosen to celebrate Christmas Eve at the Church while abroad, it certainly was a memorable evening.
On Christmas Eve Hansi went to the orphanage to an unexpectant Khun Piangta, to present a cheque to the Baan Jing Jai.
People in Randfontein had held an auction in the courtyard of the Corner Sports Pub. Per Inge Torkelsen was the auctioneer and helped the guests to contribute £4,200. There were also contributions from several groups, clubs and private donations from Randfontein, so the sum reached almost £4,800 (about 260,000 Baht). Donated as a surprise, a delighted Khun Piangta received the check from Hansi. A better Christmas gift they could not have received. It has now become a fine tradition of Seamen's Church at Christmas, with the children of Baan Jing Jiai singing in the choir.
When KAG and Arild come to Pattaya, they always bring a large sum of money to the orphanage. This time they brought a cheque for 95,000 Baht to help build the bathrooms, which they presented to Khun Piangta.
KAG and Arild have big hearts for the children and a great admiration for the job that Khun Piangta and the rest of the staff does.
The young girl on the left is the last to have been rescued by Khun Piangta. She had a child less than 1 years old when she was caught by the 'angel from Pattaya'. The girl on the right has had the maximum amount of bad luck. She was in an accident and broke her leg. The medical aid she received after the accident, was not 100% successful, and the bone did not heal properly. Since then she has been through three surgeries, the last in Bangkok. As a result of all she has gone through, she has lost several years of schooling. This highlights how handy the extra donations are as it shows us the unexpected expenses. The story of the two girls are prime examples of expenses that were not included in the usual monthly budget. If you suffer an accident in Thailand, proper health care costs be terribly large.
Nordic Film at the orphanage
In the middle of January they had a 'Church Abroad visit' by Nordic Film. They wanted to make a program for old churches work in Pattaya so Hansi informed them of the orphanage. They became interested and joined Hansi on a trip to the orphanage. They were there for several hours and would enable Hansi to get his message of support further when the program was aired on TV.
Sputnik donated money
Sputnik played at Linda's Restaurant in January and donated 50% of the proceeds that night to the Orphanage. There were over 100 people who heard Sputnik play. Linda's Restaurant had prepared a four-course dinner, which was lovely. There was 116,000 Baht raised that night.
Finally there was the distribution of gifts Sputnik and his wife had bought for the children, and concluded with entertainment.